YAP! SoftPhone lets you make calls using "Voice over IP", but so do other applications.
It's the features below that really make YAP! SoftPhone special:
Use YAP! SoftPhone to control the call you're on; Transfer, Hold, Consult and Hangup.
The Call History window contains a list of the user's recent calls. The most recent 50 calls are initially displayed. Users can page through the Call History to see earlier calls.
The Address Book provides an easy way to create and view contacts. Users can search for existing contacts or create new ones easily while on the phone to a caller.
Making calls from your computer is straightforward with YAP!. It will increase your productivity by saving you time and reducing the number of misdialled numbers.
The Phone window can be used to control calls, with such functionality as answering, transfering, hold, unhold, deflect, consult and more.
YAP! is fully configurable, allowing users to set the YAP! SoftPhone up exactly as they wish, using the chosen audio codecs and various other customizations.